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Gary Bird16 May - 06:54
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Have your say in running of our club

All members of East London Rugby Football Club are invited to attend the club’s Annual General Meeting on Saturday 8th June 2024.

The bar at the clubhouse in Memorial Park, West Ham, will open from 12pm with the AGM starting at 12.30pm. The bar will not be open for the duration of the meeting.

The management committee will provide an update on activity throughout the 2023/24 season as well as the plans and priorities for the forthcoming campaign. The committee will also present reports on club finance, communications and social matters. Importantly, club members will have the opportunity to ask the committee questions or offer feedback on any club activity. This feedback and information is of value to the club in ensuring we offer the best experience possible.

The 2023/24 management committee will be formally dissolved and there will be elections for 2024/25 club officials, including the roles of Chair, Vice-Chair, Club Captain, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Officer, Social Secretary and Women’s Rugby Officer. In addition, the management committee can co-opt members into the roles of Membership Secretary, Fixtures (and Referees) Secretary, Safeguarding Officer, Discipline Officer, Mental Health and Wellbeing Officer, and Rugby Safe Officer. A new role of Youth Officer is expected to be added this year.

Any person wishing to stand for any role or roles or proposing another club member should send details to Secretary Gary Bird via no later than Friday 31st May 2024. Job descriptions and responsibilities of the roles can be found on the club’s website in the information documents section.

Any member who is unable to attend the meeting but wishes to exercise their vote on any matters requiring a decision, can nominate a proxy vote on their behalf. The proxy vote form can be downloaded from the information documents section on the club website at and must be returned to or your nominated proxy who must print it and bring it to the meeting.

The bar will remain open for those wishing to watch the Gallagher Premiership Rugby Final at 3pm on television.

Further reading